Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Politicizing Terror

I am so sick to death of the GOP politicizing terrorism. And I'm even more sick of their lies actually working on the American people. Have you watched cable news at all in the last week? Or even the Sunday talk shows on the networks? You would think that something drastic has changed on the War on Terror in the Obama administration.

Republicans are basically foaming at the mouth over "Mirandizing" the Christmas Day bomber. They claim that reading Miranda rights to terror suspects is "dangerous" and "weak" on terror. Like this is something new. Some of them even going so far as to say that the Obama administration is, "Inviting terrorism."

The fact of the matter is, nothing at all has changed, with the exception of no longer water boarding suspected terrorists. Under the Bush administration, after 9/11, we arrested and convicted over 200 terrorists. Every single solitary one of them were arrested and read Miranda Rights. Every single one. Without exception.

Wait, what is this you say? Indeed. Nothing has changed. We were wildly successful arresting suspected terrorists, reading them Miranda Rights, and prosecuting them in criminal court. All done during the Bush Years. Now that Obama is President, suddenly this wildly successful policy of prosecuting terrorists is suddenly, "risky" "weak on terror" and "inviting terrorism."

Can somebody please explain this to me? What the fuck has changed? This is a complete politicization of terrorism used to win over political capital in the worst most un-American way. Are you fucking kidding me?
The FBI knows how to interrogate suspected terrorists. This is what they do. Why can't we leave this up to the professionals and stop trying to use this as a piece of defeating your political enemy?

Not to mention that the Christmas Day bomber is now singing like a bird, and providing valuable, actionable intelligence. Obviously the attempted act of terrorism is frightening and a lapse of security that we need to learn from. But how the Administration is handling this case, and the results they are getting should be commended. Not completing distorting the truth to freak the American people out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just get Health Care done.

Well, we all know that Government-Run Health Care leads to Rationing of Care, like the GOP would have us believe right? But the for-profit Health Insurance Companies are the good guys with our best interests in mind of course. Then why is it just yesterday, we hear about a five year old suing it's health insurance company for not paying for his cancer? This sort of thing,"rationing of care" only happens in 3rd world Socialist countries like Britain & Canada, right?

Stories like these are too numerous and too common to even get into. The bottom line is, to buzz words that the GOP likes to use, "rationing of care," & "death panels" already exist. They exist in our current, for profit health insurance companies. This isn't even about the 45 million people that don't have insurance. That's another issue. It's about the rest of us, WITH health insurance.

The fact that we in America are so brainwashed to think that our health care system is so advanced and the rest of the civilized world has it right, is another example of our political ignorance. Americans get exactly what they deserve sometimes.
Why can't we get it right? We spend the most money on Health Care with results similar to Zimbabwe. By 2020, we'll be spending 20% of our GDP on Health Care. Singapore spends 3% and is ranked fifth in the world for health care. And they cover every body.

We do we need to give a company 30% of our Health Care dollars just to deny us when we need them? 30% of this country is already on Government Health Care, it's called MediCare, and it works very well and people that have Medicare are very happy with it.

We need a Single-Payer system that covers every body. Free up the system. Stop people from using the Emergency Room as a their Primary Health Care Doctor. It just makes sense, costs less, has better results and covers everybody.

Offering a Mandate, requiring people to buy insurance is the wrong way to go. Offering more money to the Health Insurance companies with no reform to the system. Republicans have been fighting this bill tooth and nail, and doing a very good job scaring the American People with their lies & bullshit. The people of Massachusetts did not elect Scott Brown to ruin a Health Care bill. Let's talk about Scott Brown & Massachusetts. Mass. already has Universal Health Care. Interestingly enough, Republican Mitt Romney as Governor signed it into law, and Scott Brown, then a State Senator voted for it. 68% of people in Mass. are happy with their Health Care system. The Health Care bill in Congress is essentially that plan. But we have unanimous opposition from the GOP.

Even more interesting, Republicans in the 90's offered a very similar bill as a compromise to the Single Payer proposition that was floating around Congress.
Bob Dole even offered a similar plan. The bill in congress, is essentially a compromised bill. There isn't even a Public Option anymore. But because of Republican Strategy to oppose absolutely any legislation possible, we have unanimous opposition to the bill. Democrats have added and added Republican demands to the bill and still they will not support it. They have watered down the bill to a fraction of what it could've been and they still won't support it. Even though the majority of the bill is things they can support. What is going on in Washington right now, with these bi-partisan talks are just another distraction that the GOP hopes will stall any furthering of Health Care until after the Mid-term elections and by then we may never pass Health Care Reform.

I don't like the bill, but doing nothing would be far worse. We need our Democrats to do the job that they were elected to do, and a big part of that is passing Health Care Reform. Tell your Senator to grow some balls and get it done before it's too late.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Democrats - SHAPE UP

Democrats need to get their shit together. This happens every time they get in power. They fuck up!! You know, when Democrats increased their majority in the House & Senate, and we elected Barak Obama, the Republican Party I really thought was about to go the way of the Whig Party

They were sounding more and more ridiculous everyday. The American People had completely lost faith in them as a party. They had just come off of 8 years of the most disastrous Republican Presidency in recent history. We don't really need to rehash just how bad things were. I never thought that the country would in just a year, start looking to Republican rule again. How can the American People be that stupid, and have such a short term memory for just how badly their policies cost us.

Well, for starers; one thing the Republicans have always done very well is fall in line behind Party Leaders. Democrats never do. They're always fighting each other and are too chicken shit to look "socialist." We couldn't get shit done when we had a super majority in the Senate, and because we spent all year fighting each other over health care, we didn't get shit done. And now we no longer have a super majority. This has never been so important as it is today as Republicans insist on abusing the Filibuster to the point of absurdity and block any Senate business from happening. Majority rule is so last decade.

Over 100 filibusters last year. 200 bills put on hold, and 63 positions that need to be filled put on hold over senseless filibuster. The Republicans have one strategy. Block everything they possibly can so that Democrats have nothing to show for and the American People get sick of it and ignorantly blame Democrats on their inability to Govern. Well, at least they're half right. Democrats can't get their shit together, but at least they did finish legislation on a big agenda - and the Republicans won't even allow a bill to go to a vote. That's right, you have to a super majority vote to actually vote on a bill, and you'll need a super majority to pass a bill.

Republicans are so treacherous, they vote against bills that they actually support. Just to backlog any legislation from actually passing and helping the American People. They block bills that they eventually voted for. They negotiate with Democrats to get what they want incorporated into bills, and then vote against it. This is what the American People are not seeing, because we live in a horrifically politically ignorant society. We just know that shit isn't getting done. Olympia Snowe even admitted that she was negotiating in bad faith with Democrats, just to stall legislation. You're not going to get any help from the other side.

Democrats - get your shit together, fall in line and GOVERN. END THE FILIBUSTER. You will not get ANY support from Republicans on ANYTHING you were ELECTED to do. Otherwise, we're going to go back to more tax cuts for the wealthy, more deficits, more wars, more de-regulation and more dismantling of the middle class. And we can say good bye to having control of Congress for decades.