Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Democrats - SHAPE UP

Democrats need to get their shit together. This happens every time they get in power. They fuck up!! You know, when Democrats increased their majority in the House & Senate, and we elected Barak Obama, the Republican Party I really thought was about to go the way of the Whig Party

They were sounding more and more ridiculous everyday. The American People had completely lost faith in them as a party. They had just come off of 8 years of the most disastrous Republican Presidency in recent history. We don't really need to rehash just how bad things were. I never thought that the country would in just a year, start looking to Republican rule again. How can the American People be that stupid, and have such a short term memory for just how badly their policies cost us.

Well, for starers; one thing the Republicans have always done very well is fall in line behind Party Leaders. Democrats never do. They're always fighting each other and are too chicken shit to look "socialist." We couldn't get shit done when we had a super majority in the Senate, and because we spent all year fighting each other over health care, we didn't get shit done. And now we no longer have a super majority. This has never been so important as it is today as Republicans insist on abusing the Filibuster to the point of absurdity and block any Senate business from happening. Majority rule is so last decade.

Over 100 filibusters last year. 200 bills put on hold, and 63 positions that need to be filled put on hold over senseless filibuster. The Republicans have one strategy. Block everything they possibly can so that Democrats have nothing to show for and the American People get sick of it and ignorantly blame Democrats on their inability to Govern. Well, at least they're half right. Democrats can't get their shit together, but at least they did finish legislation on a big agenda - and the Republicans won't even allow a bill to go to a vote. That's right, you have to a super majority vote to actually vote on a bill, and you'll need a super majority to pass a bill.

Republicans are so treacherous, they vote against bills that they actually support. Just to backlog any legislation from actually passing and helping the American People. They block bills that they eventually voted for. They negotiate with Democrats to get what they want incorporated into bills, and then vote against it. This is what the American People are not seeing, because we live in a horrifically politically ignorant society. We just know that shit isn't getting done. Olympia Snowe even admitted that she was negotiating in bad faith with Democrats, just to stall legislation. You're not going to get any help from the other side.

Democrats - get your shit together, fall in line and GOVERN. END THE FILIBUSTER. You will not get ANY support from Republicans on ANYTHING you were ELECTED to do. Otherwise, we're going to go back to more tax cuts for the wealthy, more deficits, more wars, more de-regulation and more dismantling of the middle class. And we can say good bye to having control of Congress for decades.

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