Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Politicizing Terror

I am so sick to death of the GOP politicizing terrorism. And I'm even more sick of their lies actually working on the American people. Have you watched cable news at all in the last week? Or even the Sunday talk shows on the networks? You would think that something drastic has changed on the War on Terror in the Obama administration.

Republicans are basically foaming at the mouth over "Mirandizing" the Christmas Day bomber. They claim that reading Miranda rights to terror suspects is "dangerous" and "weak" on terror. Like this is something new. Some of them even going so far as to say that the Obama administration is, "Inviting terrorism."

The fact of the matter is, nothing at all has changed, with the exception of no longer water boarding suspected terrorists. Under the Bush administration, after 9/11, we arrested and convicted over 200 terrorists. Every single solitary one of them were arrested and read Miranda Rights. Every single one. Without exception.

Wait, what is this you say? Indeed. Nothing has changed. We were wildly successful arresting suspected terrorists, reading them Miranda Rights, and prosecuting them in criminal court. All done during the Bush Years. Now that Obama is President, suddenly this wildly successful policy of prosecuting terrorists is suddenly, "risky" "weak on terror" and "inviting terrorism."

Can somebody please explain this to me? What the fuck has changed? This is a complete politicization of terrorism used to win over political capital in the worst most un-American way. Are you fucking kidding me?
The FBI knows how to interrogate suspected terrorists. This is what they do. Why can't we leave this up to the professionals and stop trying to use this as a piece of defeating your political enemy?

Not to mention that the Christmas Day bomber is now singing like a bird, and providing valuable, actionable intelligence. Obviously the attempted act of terrorism is frightening and a lapse of security that we need to learn from. But how the Administration is handling this case, and the results they are getting should be commended. Not completing distorting the truth to freak the American people out.

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